Saturday, December 22, 2012

The World Didn't End! But For These Book Characters It Did...

It's December 22nd, 2012... and we're all still here! No nuclear holocaust. No insta-pandemic. No rogue meteorite. No Transformers-esque technological breakdown. And certainly no Son of Man coming in the clouds (seriously, Matthew 24:36, people. Read it. Better yet, read the whole book; you won't regret it.)

So the world didn't end yesterday, but for those wondering "what if?" I give you... post-apocalyptic novels that you can live vicariously through!

My Post-Apocalyptic Picks for...

those living under a rock (or a bunker in case you've been expecting this Mayan apocalypse for a loooong time):

those who dream of a Harry Potter-esque post-apocalyptic world:

those who like zombies:

those who secretly hope for a natural disaster:

those who miss the Terminator:

those who like strong world-building (and have really strong stomachs):

and last but not least...

those who don't read YA but want a good thought-provoking book:

Your Turn: What are your favorite post-apocalyptic books?

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